St Tropez Tanning

Come and have your skin summer ready in our brand new luxury Prolight St Tropez spray tanning booth. Official St Tropez tanning products used.

An aloe-vera based Vegan friendly spray tan, perfect for a natural summer glow all year round. St Tropez works with the melanin in your skin therefore providing a nice even natural glow, depending on skin types. No orange tones at all with St Tropez, our tan is fast drying after being sprayed due to its amazing new ingredients and created with Aromagaurd technology, the scent is virtually eliminated for a comfortable and confident feel afterwards. Tan can last up to 5-7 days with following our specific home care maintenance.

We have 2 ranges to choose from which provide a medium - dark tan. We also have a range of St Tropez retail within the salon to top up your tans! 

All disposables are provided. 

St Tropez Tanning


Classic mist

A classic natural glow - ideal for brides, clients who have never tried tanning before and would like a natural glow. Leave on over night.

Allow 30 mins


Half body spray tan

Allow 15mins


Express mist

A slightly deeper glow than classic. Express mist allows you to shower within 1-3 hours depending on the colour you want to achieve, tan also develops slightly more after showering therefore usually you get 1 day more out of your tan - ideal if you don't like sleeping with tan on or have a last minute event. 

1 hour = Light

2 hour = Medium

3 hours = Deeper

Allow 30mins


Extra Dark mist - Sorry we do not offer this service now due to St Tropez regulations . (Updated August 2022)


For best results prior we advise;

Please inform therapist prior to your tanning app if you have any tinting done on brow area within 24-48 hours! Failure to do so and tan is applied over area within time frame, tint can go a particular colour. 

Exfoliate your skin before your visit, try not to apply any deodorants/creams onto skin.

Bring along loose dark clothing and flip flops if possible.

Remove unwanted hair 24/48 hours prior to appointment.

Moisturise your skin generously the day/night before to prevent any dryness.